I've forgotten my password, what do I do? close
Please click 'Forgot Password' on the sign in page. Just enter your email address, and we will send you a link to reset your password.
Please note, if you are using a Ticketline account, you should reset your password via the Ticketline website.
I signed in with my Ticketline account. Why can't I change my password? close
Why can't I turn on SMS notifications? close
Why do I need an account to buy tickets? close
How do I delete my account? close
You can permanently delete your account if you have not purchased or sold any tickets on Fanticks by visiting "Your Profile" page, and clicking "Delete Account". You will be asked to confirm if you are sure you wish to close your account prior to deleting your account. If you have purchased or sold tickets, please contact support@fanticks.com requesting your account to be deleted. Please note, we may be unable to close your account if we require to retain your data for legal purposes, or you have an active purchase or sale. Further information on your account and your data retention rights are outlined in our Privacy Policy.